

聯合國網合集團舉辦的文化交流活動暨堪布索南哲林耶澤仁波切唐卡藝術聯合國巡迴展新聞發布會,大力支持聯合國盡一切努力工作,發揮聯合國會員國與城市不同的資源和優勢,關心愛護社會各界人士,幫助發展中國家糧食生產、礦產資源、清潔能源、氣候變化、海洋保護,數學人文科學,社會安全,安居樂業。通過聯合國文化交流,取長補短在世界各國範圍內,帶領更多的國家與城市合作共贏。聯合國企業家項目對接暨聯合國郵票首日封頒獎盛典 ,締結智慧城市型友好姐妹城市,進行聯合國線上線下招商引資,達成城市建設項目合作夥伴關係。感恩宇宙能量、感恩自然全息、感恩联合国新闻媒体,促進中美乃至世界各國的和平與安全穩定,經濟和信息化的發展都會有極大的促進作用。祈願中国好、美国好、世界更美好!強大聯合國、世界更美好!

United Nations Commutech Group Hosted A Cultural Exchange Event and A Press Conference of Venerable Khenpo Sonam Tshering Yoezer Rinpoche’s United Nations Thangka Arts Exhibition Tour And Cultural Exchanges
On Thursday, June 16, 2022, Chairman Andy Lin of United Nations Commutech Group hosted a press conference at the United Nations Plaza in Manhattan and formally announced Khenpo Sonam Tshering Yoezer Rinpoche’s United Nations Thangka Arts Exhibition Tour and Cultural Exchange Events which will start in early August 2022 in New York City. Venerable Khenpo Sonam Tshering Yoezer Rinpoche has been specifically trained in Thangka painting in Bhutan. His Thangka paintings have received great appreciations and admiration by many from different ethnic and cultural backgrounds worldwide and have brought auspicious energy to those who came into contact with him or his Thangka paintings. Chairman Andy Lin presented the invitation letter from United Nations Commutech Group to invite Venerable Khenpo Sonam Tshering Yoezer Rinpoche to come to the United States in this August to co-host the United Nations Thangka Arts Exhibition Tour and Cultural Exchanges with United Nations Commutech Group. Several precious Thangka paintings from Venerable Yoezer Rinpoche were displayed at the press conference. The press conference was well attended by distinguished guest Major General Harindra Peiris RWP RSP USP ndu Minister-Military Advisor from Sri Lanka’s Permanent Mission to the United Nations, successful professionals, and friends from all walks of life on this very auspicious day. United Nations Commutech Group has hosted several United Nations Charity Peace Concert this year. A celebration party for the successful completions of these concerts was hosted in conjunction with the press conference in recognition of those who have selflessly contributed to the successes. United Nations FDS First Day Stamp and Community Contribution Award were especially presented to musician Yu Wang for his contributions in promoting love and world peace and cultural exchanges in correspondence to the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Chairman Andy Lin also extended his invitation to everyone who would like to join them at the United Nations by sharing ideas, talents and resources for world peace.